
Which report can compare metrics based on user acquisition date over a series of weeks

Which filter would you apply if you only wanted to include data from a campaign titled Back to School in Campaign reports

Assigning a value to a Google Analytics Goal allows you to do which of the following

What is a secondary dimension in Google Analytics

Auto-tagging is used to collect data from which kinds of traffic

Which of these channels is NOT included in the default Channels report

Which report shows the percentage of traffic that has visited your site before

What will happen if a user clears the Analytics cookie from their browser

Which of these CANNOT be collected by the default Analytics tracking code

Which report helps you determine the percent of your site traffic that has visited previously

Resources with responses that are ______ for all users are great candidates to be cached by a CDN

Which components often account for most of the downloaded bytes on a web page

Which of the following describes the Payment API correctly

Research shows that mobile users expect to

Image _____ can be sacrificed to reduce the file size and chances are the user will still like the resulting image

Which format is preferred for the multi-device and high-resolution icons

How many times per second do most devices refresh their screens