Google Optimize does NOT currently allow you to

Google Optimize does NOT currently allow you to:

1:-test new website designs, layouts and content with a subset of your visitors

2:-serve experiments to specific groups of users that you’ve defined as Audiences in Google Analytics

3:-do heatmap analysis to better understand to user behaviour on your site
4:-use your existing goals and metrics in Google Analytics as experiment objectives

Google Optimize does NOT currently allow you to:

Google Optimize does NOT currently allow you to:

Correct answer is:

do heatmap analysis to better understand to user behaviour on your site

Explanation: you can test new website designs, layouts and content with a subset of your visitors. Optimize leverages the power of Analytics by measuring all experiments natively with Analytics, allowing you to use your existing goals and metrics as experiment objectives. What’s more, you can serve experiments to specific groups of users that you’ve defined as Audiences in Analytics.
